Submit your thoughts on the proposed closure of the Shutter Creek to the Ways and Means committee
Legislators in Salem have proposed closing the Shutter Creek Correctional Facility as part of the budget cut discussions. See Boomer Wright’s statement below.
If you are interested in telling legislators your thoughts email them at:
The Joint Subcommittee on Public Safety agenda for their public hearing: The committee will meet Friday 9am-12.
You can add your name to my petition here.
Boomer Wright Rallies local support to stop the shutdown of Shutter Creek Correctional Institution
Oregon Legislature proposes closure due to budget cuts
Reedsport, OR. - Boomer Wright, candidate for House District 9, is rallying support to stop the state closure of Shutter Creek Correctional Institute (SCCI) in Lakeside. The Oregon Legislature’s Joint Ways and Means Committee has proposed closing the facility to save money. According to employees of SCCI over 100 family-wage jobs and many indirectly connected local businesses are threatened by potential revenue reduction. The closure would decrease revenue in neighboring counties and cities as well. Lakeside alone would likely lose a quarter of a million dollars in sewer fees. The remaining fiscal burden would then be passed along to local residents.
On Monday, July 20th, Boomer met with concerned employees and neighbors to discuss the state’s proposal to close the SCCI.
“I’ve spent the weekend talking with local stakeholders about the negative impact of closing SCCI and it’s clear that we need a common-sense solution,” said Boomer Wright. “I would say I am surprised about the proposal but unfortunately these kinds of proposals are all too common from Portland politicians. We are definitely feeling the effects of their one-size-fits-Portland ‘solutions’.”
Over the weekend, Boomer Wright started an awareness campaign about the proposed closure of SCCI. This has included paid social media advertising, an online petition, and calls to impacted stakeholders. As of Tuesday, there are over 400 signatures opposing the closure of SCCI. The Joint Ways and Means subcommittee on Public Safety will holding a public hearing this Friday, 9am-12. All testimony should be sent to Boomer Wright has posted information about how to testify on his website,
“I am encouraging everyone I talk with to send their testimony to the legislature,” said Wright. “I am tracking these events closely and will myself testify on Friday. I am really happy about the way the community has rallied around the proposed closure. There’s got to be a better solution. I can’t promise we’ll win this fight, but what I can promise is that we aren’t just going to lie down and let them steam roll over our coastal communities.”
SCCI is also the regional re-entry facility for the counties of Coos, Curry, Douglas, Lane, Jackson and Josephine. Minimum custody inmates who are nearing the end of their sentence are typically transferred to SCCI to participate in reentry programs and are typically released into one of these six counties.
Wright is encouraging a letter writing campaign and has launched a petition on his website for signers who share his concern for the closure of the facility.
Boomer lives in Reedsport with his wife Susan who is a registered nurse. House District 9 encompasses the communities of Coos Bay, North Bend, Lakeside, Reedsport, Dunes City, Florence, Mapleton, Triangle Lake, and Yachats.